These things are subjective, as you see, despite underlying technical
issues that are objective indeed.

Here's my take on it: a SB3 is good.  From what I understand, modded
SB3s are equal or somewhat better.  According to Tom, some mods
approach the Transporter.  Anyway, the Transporter is a lot better than
the SB3.  The SB with a high performance, studio-grade,
jitter-eliminating DAC like the Lavry is a lot better than a SB3.  In
fact, I would say it is more or less comparable to the Transporter, the
difference being one of nuance.  The SB3 and Transporter through a Lavry
sound the same -- like a Lavry.

So, from a purely economic perspective, you could go with a SB3 and,
say, a Lavry.  However, the Transporter gives you far more
functionality (extra inputs, etc.) and far greater aesthetics.  These
are important to some people.  I like having four analog outputs (good
for subs and mains), extra inputs, and the real good looks of the
things.  If these are NOT priorities...

bluesdoc;162013 Wrote: 
> LOL....I am so glad I asked this question (my first posting!) and so
> happy to see there is total unanimity <G>. It reassures me that I was
> not missing something obvious to all. And that there is still room for
> subjective experience. Once my head stops spinning from the excellent
> comments, I'll have to make some decisions. I am not convinced yet that
> the best SQ wouldn;t be from the Transporter and a decent quality
> (around $1000-1200) DAC, but I wouldn;t refuse to spend less than that
> if the SQ was as good. I also hate to give up my older Conrad-Johnson
> preamp, although its not doing too much... other than adding nostalgia,
> an additional set of interconnects, and the analogue volume control.
> (I'm currrently using an older CJ Amp and older B & W speakers, but
> auditioning newer everything). Oh, and while SQ is important, so is
> domestic acceptability. Thanks, and please keep the excellent advice on
> this subject coming.


Relax.  It's about the music.
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