ezkcdude;230091 Wrote: 
> What are the differences between the dCS Professional and Audiophile
> components? From the website, I gather the Audiophile gear is *more
> expensive* (counterintuitively to my thinking). Both have balanced
> inputs/outputs, word clock, etc.

The sonic differences between their pro and audiophile gear are
negligible: internally, boards are mostly identical (except that the
Elgar offers a more cost- and labour-intensive analogue output stage),
so that whatever difference one might perceive is assumed to be due to
the more solid chassis/cabinets of the audiophile versions.

The devil is in the details:
1) Compatibility. Look at the DSD inputs/outputs, compression formats
etc. No DSD playback connecting the consumer transport to the pro DACs,
for example (due to Sony's unnerving copyright protection requirements -
the pro gear's "fully open", but there's no transport there, you'd need
to download all your DSD to hard disc and go from there).
2) Handling. The pro gear offers possibilities the average audiophile
won't need, thus is less user-friendly.
3) Logically, software isn't identical. Again, the devil is in the
details. You could download their manuals and compare them if you're
really curious.

Actually, the price difference is anything but counterintuitive: more
elegant, solid and labour-intensive cabinets, heavy duty remote
controls, IEEE 1394 boards to play back and upsample to DSD etc., a
less QPR-minded clientele - no wonder the audiophile gear costs more.
Remember, it's the studio market that is most competitive as far as QPR
and absolute price limits are concerned. Audiophiles seem to figure, if
this is (among) the best they can get, then so bit it. Those who
suspect they might be paying too much proably aren't thought of as
target clientele anyhow.

In short, if you're not in the market for their Verdi DSD transport,
don't mind pro gear handling, that is, reference to a manual once in a
while, and/or have an engineer's mindset anyhow, the pro gear will cost
you less, I'd just make sure it's in placed in/on a vibration-free

Greetings from Switzerland, David.

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