Phil Leigh wrote:
> Ah - the happy days when I traded my 32-channel analogue desk and twin
> 8-track machines for a 32-channel digital desk with full automation and
> unlimited channels of 24/48 DAW...
> In hindsight it wasn't progress - it was a VERY expensive mistake.

Would it still be a mistake today? I know it was VERY expensive, but the
modern ADC and DAW workstations seem to have recovered from most of the
early digital evilness.

Well, 24/48 smells of ADAT, which has thankfully been obsolete for
nearly all of this century. To my ears, current 24/88.2 stuff sounds fine.

Those old 24 and 32 track desks were expensive to maintain themselves.
Too many moving parts, issues with alignment and bias....

> I used to use a tape-head saturation emulation plugin, but it wasn't as
> good...

Funny how the emulations don't seem to match up with the old LA-2
compressors and tape saturation. I would think that it could be
perfectly matched with enough DSP power.....

Pat Farrell

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