I was advocating just that. 

However, nobody has presented any data done just that way. At least
when I was embroiled in an argument with the MP3-is-just-as-the-CD
advocate nothing like that was referenced by him. The studies he
referred me to were clinical settings where the environment and the
music over the system were new to the listeners. The music may have
been new to them as well. These conditions are bogus.

As I put it, If one takes different formats of a familiar recording
over a familiar system (I should say the recording is familiar over
THAT system) the differences between the formats will come through in
blind testing. Unfortunately, vinyl inherently changes frequency
response and has more noise so the question of analog vs digital would
really not be addressed even by this study. It would have to be the
subjective response of the listeners to euphonic questions like, "which
sounds more 'real' to you"? Vinyl and CDs are going to sound different,
better is subjective like beer tasting. However, we are talking about
art here. Even if the analog digital question could not be adequately
addressed, this familiar recording over a familiar system would put to
death the Mp3 sounds just like the CD camp's arguments I would bet.

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