magiccarpetride;683538 Wrote: 
> I think even the Pope in Vatican has less dogmatic, more flexible and
> enlightened view on things than you do.

Since you're invoking the Holy Father, pray tell exactly when it became
dogmatic to believe in the truth?

I'll give you an example of the kinds of nonsense that passes for a
serious discussion about digital audio. In this month's TAS in part
three of the absolutely hilarious series entitled "Computer Music Audio
Quality" there is the following passage:

"We first asked the question whether the sonic degradation associated
with repeated FLAC-to-WAV conversions were cumulative. To this end we
performed 5 to 10 consecutive FLAC-to-WAV conversions on each computer
in System 1 and System 2, respectively.....We consistently found that
there was a cumulative stepwise decrease in overall sound quality
(audible as a decrease in image height, stage depth, clarity and rhythm
and pace)."

Now the above statement is complete and utter nonsense. One can do
several thousand consecutive FLAC-to-WAV-to-FLAC conversions (which I
believe is what they should have written but being such jerks they
couldn't even get that right) and then run a check sum on the resulting
FLAC or WAV and find that it is IDENTICAL to the original file. Now
check sums are the basis for parity files, which themselves are the
basis for silly little things like data integrity, without which no
computer would be able to function.

This is exactly the kind of nonsense I was referring to when I wrote "I
came to the realization that the audio myth makers are trying their best
carry over some of the truths and myths of analog audio into digital
audio and therein lies the problem." The authors believe that since
there are generational loses when one makes analog copies there MUST BE
generational loses in digital. Completely and patently untrue.

Finally dogmatic means "2. asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or
arrogant manner; opinionated." 

I am not asserting an opinion, I am asserting a verifiable FACT, and
facts are not opinions.

Now I understand why several other forum think that you contribute
nothing worthwhile to this forum.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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