Interesting commentary from a moderator at

"Does anyone ever wonder why cable manufacturers and merchants don't
ever test their own products? Or maybe they have, but don't tell the

Think about it. If you had a multimillion dollar company and a vocal
group was calling your product snakeoil, wouldn't you want to do
something about it? The manufacturers absolutely know they have
critics, yet they do nothing. Why is this? Wouldn't any reasonable
person want to put an end to the controversy?

If you were a cable manufacturer, wouldn't you also want conclusive
tests to show your product to be superior to the competition? Look at
what Intel and AMD do to each other. Why don't Nordost and Cardas, for
example, do the same? If they could, it would be a huge sales advantage
over the other, right?

And speaking of sales, conclusive testing would mean that the skeptics
would probably end up buying their products. Meaning, of course, higher
sales. They want increased sales, right?

But they don't do this. All you get are testimonials. Just like quack
medicine. Also, notice how carefully worded their advertising is. It is
always just shy of being on the hook for false and deceptive
advertising. Why is this? Again, if you ran the company, wouldn't you
want to be absolutely certain that your product was best and decisively
address that in advertising?"

Ron Olsen
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