magiccarpetride;685974 Wrote: 
> But you miss my point. I am not a machine, and to me 'objective'
> measurements mean dick. Placebo is what I'm after. Let me put it this
> way: suppose I'm in pain, and some placebo pill makes the pain go away.
> At the same time, some non-placebo pill, containing scientifically
> measurable, statistically valid effects, is given to me, but it does
> not make the pain go away.
> Guess which pill I'll be taking.
I'm not talking about measurements here. Blind testing is not about
measurements, it's about confirming (or not) that the effect is still
(subjectively) detectable, once as much as is humanly possible is done
to remove possible sources of bias. 

I find this discussion taking a strange turn - you seem to positively
want to be hoodwinked by, in this case, a power cable manufacturer -
"Placebo is what I'm after"? Normally, a Placebo works because the
subject believes it to be the real thing. For example, a patient taking
part in a drug trial will be led to believe they are taking the real
drug, but will be given a sugar pill. But here, you seem to know it is
a sugar pill, but you still feel (hear) the benefit. I must say that
your admission is disarming.
magiccarpetride;685974 Wrote: 
> You then must be a genius. Reverse engineering some patented feat of
> engineering is most certainly easier said than done.
Only if you believe there is more to it that some basic measurements of
the electrical characteristics of the cable, which would be trivial to a
company such as Bryston. I understand (see above) that you don't much
care for measurements when appraising a cable, but surely you accept
that measurements are the basis for any (sensible) design? You could
get into all sorts of trouble when dealing with potentially lethal
currents, otherwise.

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