Julf wrote: 
> One has to remember that a lot of the research at Bell Labs was basic
> research, not directed at any specific product or business. So no, they
> didn't focus on cinema sound - they focused on things like the science
> of sound and hearing. Shannon's work was basic information theory.
> Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley's work that led to the transistor was
> basic semiconductor physics research.

My web page on the Technical Reprints shows the scope of what the Bell
Labs researchers were involved in:


The detailed list of publications there is just for the 1920s, when
there were 533 reprints.  As Julf notes, there is a wide range of
topics, including not only the early work by Nyquist and Hartley which
were the earliest works on what became information theory, but also
papers by Harvey Fletcher such as "New Methods and Apparatus for Testing
the Acuity of Hearing", "Physical Measurements of Audition",
"Audiometric Measurements and their Uses", "High-Quality Transmission
and Reproduction of Speech and Music", and quite a few more.  A few
years later he derived the Fletcher-Munson curves which show how the ear
hears different frequencies at different levels, still an important
factor in today's audio reproduction:


Wikipedia notes that Fletcher is known as the "father of stereophonic


"At Bell Labs, he oversaw research in electrical sound recording,
including the first successful stereophonic recordings, the first live
stereo sound transmission, and the production of the first vinyl


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