^ exactly. you can configure awesome to automatically assign an application
to a specific tag whenever it's launched. if your work flow is typically
less structured than that, you can also use them similar to workspaces,
just tossing up whatever things you happen to want on a screen together in
one place or in the same layout and then switching over to a new one when
you need more space. you could even do something like creating groups of
tags, assigning Mod4+# to switch to that tag number in whatever group of
tags you're currently using, assigning applications to be auto-assigned to
to that tag number in whatever group you're using or in a specific group,
and then switch between groups with a different key binding, in effect
giving yourself multiple workspaces each with their own set of tags. the
idea is for the system to be as flexible as possible so that you can
configure it to work exactly how you feel most comfortable.

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