I thought I'd modify the xml, just before it gets sent to the browser.

$out->input seems to contain the xml that's sent to the browser.
(It has all the correct fields in there when I run $out->input->toFile())
Now to mess about with the xml I have put a dummy "div" as the last 
child of the "body"
So, in theory, I can get the body tag and run lastChild on it. ie

my $root = $out->input->getElementsByTagName('body')-

But it doesn't return anything. his makes the server fall over with a 
plugin error, $root being undefined.
If I change 'body' with 'div' (there are plenty of divs) it returns a value.

I am using getElementsByTagName elsewhere in my code and it 
works perfectly; but this is against a $dom that I build, not one that 
has been through xslt.

Any ideas?


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