On Oct 30, 2006, at 16:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, the docs say that the node list starts from 1 not 0. But I have
tried it :)

Yeah I know, but there could be bugs :)

The above code is used elsewhere, even the get_node(1)
for a single unique node in my DOM. This works.

It's the getelementsbytagname that's failing.

It may be a long shot but you should try dumping namespaceURI, localName and tagName for body and the divs that match. A number of implementations are a bit fuzzy on what they match on for non- namespaced methods. The NS variant may work better, and failing that you can match on //*:body.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/
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 - All you can eat!
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