On 2 Nov 2006 at 13:49, Also Sprach Robin Berjon:

> On Oct 31, 2006, at 10:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> If that's the case you should create elements with createElementNS
> >> ('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'div').
> >
> > Does it matter if I don't?
> Yes, never, *never*, ever mix up

 That's  a yes then? :)

> namespace-aware and non-namespace- 
> aware methods in the same context. You will shoot yourself in the  
> foot. For simplicity (and sanity) it's best to just never use the non- 
> NS variants, they were mistakes and should be deprecated.

I don't have a namespace for the xml generated in my app.
I've had a look at the namespace options and there doesn't seem to 
be a way to set the default NS for nodes I create, which could make
the code very ugly to look at, it being littered with an NS text.
Having said that, I could make it a constant.

The reason for the does it matter was that in my case, I find all the 
elements for a NS do a get first child and then a get next sibling
and then add a node. I have no idea if the get child and sibling are 
NS aware, but as all the nodes are from the xslt they have the same 
NS anyway. The node I add didn't have a NS but still worked in the 
browser. I've now changed the add node to use the NS.



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