Well thanks everyone for the responses.  Nix, I'll wait for your
generically kludgy machinery to play with the additional bbdb fields,
(I'll be eagerly monitoring gnu.emacs.sources :)) and I'll take a look
at whether I can stand pressing : in gnus to manually add a record.

However, something tells me that I can't stand manually adding
records.  What first led me to the bbdb was the magic that it would be
sitting there all the time, gathering info silently.  I have realized
that mixed in with frequent contacts is a lot of noise.  There has to
be a way to make bbdb work silently like a big brother while still
being useful.

Besides, the spammers may get me once, but they'll never get me again
because of procmail filtering and/or gnus scoring.  So with a '1'
value for 'noticed-frequency' they'll surely be way at the bottom of
my imaginary "sorted-by-noticed-frequency" presentation of the M-x
bbdb.  At that point, I will be very happy.

Nix, let me know if there's any elbow room in your expire-bbdb.el
rewrite, I'd love to learn more about the bbdb internals.

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