On 2000-10-28, Tom Perrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If someone were to build such a PIB API, it seems that the hardest
> part would be to support the current "invent a new field on the fly"
> features.

Nah, not at all. You could have a table that contains all notes field
names (and an ID), and then have a table which contains all the field
values. I had to do something like that once (only that the field could
have any data type, but contained strings), and it was not very
nontrivial. (-:

Hm. If I find time today, I'll try to hack together a little ERD in dia
so you can see what I'm talking about.

What would be hardest, I think, would be finding the right
backend. Only Postgres/MySQL? This would rule out people who want to use
other DBSs. ODBC? Lacks an emacs implementation, etc.

Though an ODBC implementation for emacs would rule, of course (-:

> Any thoughts?  If this isn't appropriate discussion here, let me know.

Andreas Fuchs, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, antifuchs
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