I"m a BBDB newbie, I've only been using it about 5 years or so, and I
know that one thing that keeps coming up, over and over, is putting
some kind of "real" DB behind BBDB.

Sort of a PIM (Personal Info Manager, to use the buzzword-compliant
term) DB, perhaps based on an SQL database, perhaps layering a PIM API
onto the DBI API, if you will.

Has anyone looked at this lately?  The last time I remember this
discussion, mySQL and other affordable SQL DBs were just beginning to
become widely available, and I don't think the Perl perlDBI stuff was
stable yet, either.  Has anything in the required back-end technology
changed enough, yet?

If someone were to build such a PIB API, it seems that the hardest
part would be to support the current "invent a new field on the fly"

Any thoughts?  If this isn't appropriate discussion here, let me know.


Tom E. Perrine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | San Diego Supercomputer Center 
http://www.sdsc.edu/~tep/     | Voice: +1.858.534.5000
"Libertarianism is what your mom taught you: 'Behave yourself
and don't hit your sister."' - Kenneth Bisson of Angola, Ind.
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