> This brings up that big question, one I cannot get my 'mind' around:
> Lily Kolisko has said that potentized lime is more effective than
> 'physical' lime. I don't know how you would ever come up with the
> formula, but I take this to mean that you don't REALLY have to buy
> mountains of lime to get your Albrecht balance....or do you?
> I'd appreciate input on this.
> -Allan
My tack on this would be
1 keep the inputs in harmony - dont go dumping heaps of any one thing on
(including manure and compost)
2 give the BD system a little physical substance to get its teeth into - say
200 to 400 lbs per acre lime and / or rock dust and in our case some rock or
colloidal phosphate
3 everything possible to get the microbial system firing, molasses, sugars,
teas, humates (little bits often)
4 now the potentised preps and minerals over the top by field broadcaster
(or sprayed if you like the extra work)
I am not far enough along to know but early signs say its the right
Cheers again
Lloyd Charles

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