Dear List,

About 18 months ago you may remember a thread called 'BD Cookbook' where we
discussed the possibility of somebody producing a simple introductory text
to BD. I ran with the idea - and now, finally, it has been commissioned, by
a UK publisher. (I won't believe it for sure until I have their signed
contract in my hand but I've signed on the dotted line and sent it back to
them, so it's down to the postal service now.)

The first thing I have to do, even before I start to write, is send them a
list of pictures I want them to use. Hugh, you mentioned knowing a BD
photographer - can you let me have his email address? I'm particularly
interested in pictures of BD activities such as prep-making workshops. If
anyone has any photos showing stirring, vortexes, making barrel compost, or
making any of the preps - you know the sort of thing - and can arrange
clearance for publication, I'd be really grateful if you could email them to
me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I have no idea what they pay for pictures -
if it's anything like what they pay for words it'll be peanuts -  but it
would be something!)

Also more general pictures, the sort that would motivate a conventional
gardener to cast aside insecticide and start spraying preps, like a
vegetable garden pulsating with health. There are all kinds of picture
libraries I could use, but I doubt any of them could convey the kind of
feeling a BD garden can convey.

They are also willing to use some old prints, and I'm looking for ones that
convey the world view of the four humours, the four elements, the movement
of the planets... so if anyone happens to have any suggestions on that score
I would be delighted to hear from them. Quite a few list members emailed at
the time this was under discussion expressing interest and support, and I
hope you're still interested!


Thanks, everyone.

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