Paul Kraus said:
>> I really like Perl, but lately everywhere I seem to go and talk to say I
>> shouldn't be learning Perl as it's old and Python is better.
> Lets pretend we are mechanics we have this one tool that was passed on
> down from generation to generation. It is our very very very favorite
> tool.
> No matter what we do its simply not possible to do our jobs with that one
> tool.
> A good programmer in my opinion does not play favorites. Best tool for
> the job and all that :)

Agreed. But you need to start your base knowledge with a good one, like
Perl :-)

>> Since starting to learn Perl though, every other language I started to
>> learn/t, C, PHP etc. seem to make more sense now, as Perl has cleared
>> things up.
> It's your first real language.From here on out everything is easier to
> learn. It all becomes a matter of learning the syntax :) Congrats :)

I am beginning to learn that.

>> When I look at Perl, I can understand it (it kind of looks like bash),
>> when I look at a Python script, ugh.
>> I have been also trying to do some gui work with perl using wxperl,
>> Python
>> seems to be much better suited/supported (for wx) and I couldn't find
>> very
>> many docs for wxperl. What else is good looking to use?
> Depends on what your trying to do GASP even has some uses :)
>> I love CPAN.
> CPAN IS THE BOMB. hands down its why Perl is my primary tool set.

Nothing easier than:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

>> I am on the right path?
> Depends on if you limit yourself to Perl since it was your first
> language. If not then you are on the right path.

Agreed. Thanks.

> HTH,
> Paul Kraus

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