On Wednesday 29 Sep 2004 03:19, you wrote:
> You know, I'm kinda going through a similar thing. I wrote a script to
> search for users in an LDAP directory and update an attribute at the same
> time. I decided to write it in Perl because it looked so easy. And, it was.
> Works like a champ. Being new to Perl, and this was my first script, I was
> amazed at the power in a short amount of code. I've written in C, C++,
> Java, Lisp, Ada, Modula-2, Prolog, Pascal, and none of these are as easy as
> Perl (although Java is nice).
> However, my co-worker, who is familiar with JSP, began writing an HTML form
> to collect input data to pass to the script. We found that JSP and Perl
> didn't mix very well. In fact, we are still having trouble getting the two
> to integrate (probably ignorance hold us back).
> What's the point? The point is that sometimes a language choice defines an
> architectural choice. For example, Java implies that you need a JVM to run
> on the host OS (or browser). If Windows were my primary OS and I was
> writing a commerical application, I might think twice about Java. If the
> application must be cross-OS compatible, then Java is a good choice.
> For my script, I wish my co-worker and I had done our research ahead of
> time. We just didn't know...in fact, we still don't. But, we can't make an
> informed decision without the facts.
> Probably didn't help you much but, take heart in this. CGI isn't going
> anywhere soon. Millions of web pages use CGI and every web server supports
> it right out of the box. Perl is so easy to code and CPAN offers a world of
> scripts. I have seen Perl script writers whip out code in minutes that
> takes others days. It may not be commercial grade but, who of us writes
> commerical applications all the time. 90% of the time, I'm trying to
> accomplish a simple task or test a theory. You can't beat Perl for that.

Agreed. Thanks for this. My morale is up, but it's looking like I might be 
getting paid to learn Python, which is a bonus, but my heart is with Perl.

The more the better I now say!!!

> Gavin Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really like Perl, but lately everywhere I seem to go and talk to say I
> shouldn't be learning Perl as it's old and Python is better.
> Since starting to learn Perl though, every other language I started to
> learn/t, C, PHP etc. seem to make more sense now, as Perl has cleared
> things up.
> When I look at Perl, I can understand it (it kind of looks like bash),
> when I look at a Python script, ugh.
> I have been also trying to do some gui work with perl using wxperl, Python
> seems to be much better suited/supported (for wx) and I couldn't find very
> many docs for wxperl. What else is good looking to use?
> I love CPAN.
> Basically, my morale is getting low and I need a boost from you guys. Perl
> isn't old is it?
> I am on the right path?
> Be kind ;-)
> Thanks all,
> Gavin.
> --
> Just getting into the best language ever...
> Fancy a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just ask!!!

Just getting into the best language ever...
Fancy a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just ask!!!

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