You know, I'm kinda going through a similar thing. I wrote a script to search for 
users in an LDAP directory and update an attribute at the same time. I decided to 
write it in Perl because it looked so easy. And, it was. Works like a champ. Being new 
to Perl, and this was my first script, I was amazed at the power in a short amount of 
code. I've written in C, C++, Java, Lisp, Ada, Modula-2, Prolog, Pascal, and none of 
these are as easy as Perl (although Java is nice).
However, my co-worker, who is familiar with JSP, began writing an HTML form to collect 
input data to pass to the script. We found that JSP and Perl didn't mix very well. In 
fact, we are still having trouble getting the two to integrate (probably ignorance 
hold us back).
What's the point? The point is that sometimes a language choice defines an 
architectural choice. For example, Java implies that you need a JVM to run on the host 
OS (or browser). If Windows were my primary OS and I was writing a commerical 
application, I might think twice about Java. If the application must be cross-OS 
compatible, then Java is a good choice.
For my script, I wish my co-worker and I had done our research ahead of time. We just 
didn't fact, we still don't. But, we can't make an informed decision without 
the facts.
Probably didn't help you much but, take heart in this. CGI isn't going anywhere soon. 
Millions of web pages use CGI and every web server supports it right out of the box. 
Perl is so easy to code and CPAN offers a world of scripts. I have seen Perl script 
writers whip out code in minutes that takes others days. It may not be commercial 
grade but, who of us writes commerical applications all the time. 90% of the time, I'm 
trying to accomplish a simple task or test a theory. You can't beat Perl for that.

Gavin Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I really like Perl, but lately everywhere I seem to go and talk to say I
shouldn't be learning Perl as it's old and Python is better.

Since starting to learn Perl though, every other language I started to
learn/t, C, PHP etc. seem to make more sense now, as Perl has cleared
things up.

When I look at Perl, I can understand it (it kind of looks like bash),
when I look at a Python script, ugh.

I have been also trying to do some gui work with perl using wxperl, Python
seems to be much better suited/supported (for wx) and I couldn't find very
many docs for wxperl. What else is good looking to use?

I love CPAN.

Basically, my morale is getting low and I need a boost from you guys. Perl
isn't old is it?

I am on the right path?

Be kind ;-)

Thanks all,


Just getting into the best language ever...
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