My what long lines you have :)

It may not be commercial grade but, who of us writes commerical applications all the time.

I do mostly, private corporate backends mostly among other things :)
I use it for the quick tasks and simple scripts also of course. (the projects never end the same as durability and ability)

And cPanel ( is mostly perl for instance.
I'd say that's pretty commercial seeing as how many webhosts use it.

An associate of mine worked for/does consulting for a nationwide communications provider that uses all perl for the website, and backend employee/customer/support/work order/materials handling/etc etc.

Apple's website uses perl last I heard (the .adp extension is their special build of it)

That's just 4 that I knew off off the top of my head.

Perhaps you meant commercial grade as in you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a devleopment suite (hint hint Microsoft) and hire a team of engineers to keep it running (hint hint PHP), in that case I'd agree ;p

One thing my associate says that I agree with that may help with the language blues is be proud of perl! When you do web apps in perl, use .pl instead of .cgi. Show some pride man!! If you're host can't add one line to apache conf to be able to serve .pl files then get a new host.

[shameless plug] go to we *love* Perl [/shameless plug]

I like this thread, lots of opinions + not too many flames = productive learning

Just my .02

Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

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