Randal L. Schwartz said:
>>>>>> "Gavin" == Gavin Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Wow!!!! I didn't know that you read this list. I am learning from your
book and I am catching up with all the columns you have ever published on
your site.

I am actually getting paid to learn Python now, and frankly it looks
really ugly, I like the way Perl flows and I can *read* it, unlike what
many people say.

> Gavin> I really like Perl, but lately everywhere I seem to go and talk
> Gavin> to say I shouldn't be learning Perl as it's old and Python is
> Gavin> better.
> Perl is more powerful.  Python is simpler.  Python is for people
> who don't want to master a language -- just use it casually.

I have that feeling now, one person (the one paying me to learn Python)
said they tried Perl about 10 years ago and couldn't really it and
understand RE. Well, your comment kind of sums him up. I have just bought
"Mastering RE from O'reilly", so I don't get scared of them :-)

The only reason I might find Python interesting is that Fedora uses it for
all the sys-admin utils, so I can help with those. (I am
http://FedoraNEWS.ORG/ghenry so I have an interest in Fedora)

> However, if you're gonna spend two or more hours a day hacking code,
> Perl is definitely the right place to be.  Still.

I'm almost at that level, but I should be doing other jobs, but I can't
seem to pull myself out if Vi to do technical documentations etc ;-)

> Those Python weenies are all just casual programmers complaining
> that for Perl, "with great power comes great responsibility".  Let'em.

Ha. That was a very politically correct response ;-)

> Perl's support only grows.  I used to be able to follow the CPAN "new
> modules list" by examining the daily run at search.cpan.org/recent.
> But no more.  Look at all the new modules just in the past *seven*
> days.  (It's typically a full web page for each day!) If that doesn't
> show you an intense activity in the Perl community, I really don't
> know what else I could show you.

The fact you replied is enough.

> Ask your Python friends where such a similar list exists. :)

He tried to show me a page on Zope's site for modules etc., but no way
does it beat CPAN or:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

> Python may be newer, but Perl is more mature, and here to stay.


> Remember "new coke", and how long we had that. (If you're old enough
> to remember that fiasco.)

Again, thanks for this. My morale is now completely topped up, so I am
going to shell out for Programming Perl, although I do have the CD
Bookshelf 3.0 (better than 4.0)

Lastly, I just want to say that these kind of responses are what I love
about the open source etc. communities. Everyone is friendly (give or
take) and as long as you ask sensible questions, people will chat. After
all, we are all people.

If fact, this gives me the excuse to say why I am hooked to Linux and OSS.
When I setup my Linux company: http://www.suretecsystems.com I e-mailed
Linus to ask if Tux was registered to him, as the original company name
was going to be Inventux Solutions Ltd. Lo and behold he replied, with a
kind, "Nope, go ahead".

Well, from that day I have been hooked. Would Bill Gates answer a personal
e-mail? Would he f**k...



> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
> 0095
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl
> training!
> --
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