Reading this thread has me convinced that Squeezeboxes as audio source
components have a limited future.  Logitech will continue to sell Boom
and Radio all-in-one table top players, but you have to wonder whether
players like the Touch and Duet can survive for more than a couple more

Last night I was talking to a friend who just bought a Blu-Ray player
that not only streams Netflix and Blockbuster and YouTube video, but
also does Pandora.  I just read that a Sony Blu-Ray player plays
Slacker.  We've seen Logitech all but bet the future of Squeezebox on
support for music services such as these, while those same music
services are now being bundled into A/V components that cost less and do
more than a Squeezebox.

Logitech must be aware of the same thing.  With each passing day
there's less and less to distinguish Squeezebox from other products. 
The readers of this forum could list dozens of reasons why the
Squeezebox is better: audio quality, platform independence,
extensibility, support for many audio file formats, and on and on, but
little of that is marketable to the masses.  Meanwhile, what is (or was)
marketable is becoming increasingly commoditized.


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