Philip Meyer;643119 Wrote: 
> I wonder how many 3rd party plugins still require updates?  There
> doesn't appear to be a nice way of telling which ones are
> incompatible.
It's not that easy to handle this because:
1. We don't have any well defined API, so it's hard to say when
something is incompatible.
2. You can't rely on SBS versioning because sometimes the second digit
in SBS version number means small changes and something it means
gigantic changes. 
3. We don't have any way to mark if a plugin has been formally tested
with a specific SBS version.

We really need a "beta" state or "maxTestedVersion" in the plugin
repositories to solve that.

Currently it's not recommended to set maxVersion on a plugin to 7.5.*
unless you know for sure it doesn't work in 7.6, the reason is that it
means that it isn't possible for beta testers to help testing the
plugin. And if you set maxVersion to 7.6.* it means that non beta
testers who are only interested in tested plugins will also get the
untested plugin beta version in their setup.

What I'd really want is a way to make it possible to configure SBS to
explicitly allow untested plugins but by default only allow plugins
which have been verified to work with the specific version. Ideally I
think you would like to do this on per plugin or possibly per plugin
developer because just because someone wants to use the latest Playlist
Manager beta version doesn't have to mean they want to get the latest
TrackStat beta.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
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