>On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 23:33:13 +0100
>"Armin K." <kre...@email.com> wrote:
> On 01/04/2014 11:25 PM, Aleksandar Kuktin wrote:

> > Other questions:
> > 
> > AFAIK, librsvg is involved in a circular dependency with GTK+. You
> > seem to build GTK+, then librsvg, but never rebuild GTK+ to gain
> > librsvg support in GTK+. If this is correct, is there a special
> > reason for that?
> > 
> GTK+ doesn't depend on librsvg at all. Where did you get that from?
> Even BLFS doesn't list it as a dep neither for GTK+2 nor GTK+3.
> librsvg uses GTK+3 to build rsvg-view-3 program.

Well, there's something since I always rebuild GTK+ after I build

[checking an older version of BLFS where I saw that]

Okay, so not really. Cairo requires it for testing the SVG backend.
Although I am 100% sure librsvg is also required for something else.

[checking build logs]

Okay, Emacs uses it, but that's not what I was after. Nevermind.
Still sure something else requres librsvg but can't prove it. :)

> > Skype is mentioned. I suppose this is a binary linux distribution
> > downloaded from Skypes website. Correct?
> Yes

Bugger. I did at one point see some seed of an open-source
implementation of Skype, but that code had questionable legal origin
and it didn't really work. It was also a one-person operation.

> > What exactly is intel-ucode-20130222 for?
> CPU microcode update. It updates CPU microcode at runtime using
> "microcode" driver in the kernel. It's firmware actually.
> Now that you mention it, it seems that it doesn't work anymore
> somehow, probably since I've built microcode driver into kernel but
> firmware is in /lib/firmware.

Hmm.. Any improvements in the way system handles itself with the new
firmware? Normally I use AMD, but I'm now on an Intel box so I have to
bother with this a bit.

BTW, I found that putting firmware into the kernel binary (as opposed
to /lib/firmware) works best for me. No need to deal with helper
programs and other such stuff.

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