> As a point of personal preference, I also don't much like "info".  I'd prefer 
> not seeing that solution.  It seems to be being "left behind" anyhow.  
> Man-pages seem to be the choice of everyone but FSF/GNU, with HTML coming on 
> strong, and XML waiting in the wings.  The sooner info is replaced, the 
> better, IMO.  But would it really distort what LFS "is" so much to add a page 
> about installing Links/Lynx to the LFS book?  HTML is being used so often in 
> documentation for various packages that some sort of "browser" is one of the 
> first things one needs to install after LFS.

I am not quite sure what you're asking here. If you mean adding Lynx or 
Links to the base LFS build, I don't agree with that. Besides, as I 
pointed out earlier, the end of LFS does in fact already suggest going 
to BLFS and installing (among other things) a text web browser before 
leaving the chroot environment...it even specifically mentions that this 
would be useful for reading BLFS in the new LFS system. I think this is 
enough...LFS already does enough of a job explaining every detail, and 
many users don't even read what text is there already...


However, you should be aware of a few things. The system you have 
created in this book is quite minimal, and most likely will not have the 
functionality you would need to be able to continue forward. By 
installing a few extra packages from the BLFS book while still in our 
current chroot environment, you can leave yourself in a much better 
position to continue on once you reboot into your new LFS installation. 
Installing a text mode web browser, such as Lynx, you can easily view 
the BLFS book in one virtual terminal, while building packages in another.

Personally, I think that's fine (other than a single grammar nitpick...I 
think that last sentence should start with "BY installing..."), but do 
you think this isn't clear enough? Any suggestions for improvement?
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