At 08:16 PM Monday 10/15/2007, William T Goodall wrote:

>On 16 Oct 2007, at 01:03, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> > At 05:35 PM Monday 10/15/2007, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >
> >> "The disassembling also revealed the iPhone's battery was, unusually,
> >> glued and soldered in to the handset"
> >>
> >> That is something you can't shrug off in the same way though.
> >>
> >> AndrewC
> >
> >
> > So after a few hundred charging cycles when the battery dies you have
> > to throw the whole iPhone away and get a new one for however many
> > hundred dollars it is then and re-enter everything in the new one?
>You send it back to Apple and they replace the battery and dispose of
>the old one safely for a reasonable fee. Or you  can send it to one
>of many third party battery changing companies who may be cheaper.

So as I asked is all of your stuff (phone numbers, music, pictures, 
etc.) stored in non-volatile storage or when you get it back with the 
new battery is it as empty of all that stuff as it was the day you 
bought it?  And if it is stored "permanently" what is to stop Apple 
or the third party from copying all your data while they have your 
iPhone and selling it to spammers or giving it to the D*partm*nt of 
H*m*land S*cur*ty?

-- Ronn!  :)


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