On 16 Oct 2007 at 21:09, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 16 Oct 2007, at 20:43, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > Most mobile phone companies take the battery back now, and indeed
> > give you a steep discount on a new one if you hand them the old one
> >
> Cite.

Quite apart from reading your carrier's returns policy (assuming you 
don't have the non-returnable battery in the iPhone of course...), 
there are dedicated services like http://www.fonebak.com/

> > Having an internal
> > battery glued in means you can't carry a spare (making it unsuitable
> > for still further usage), and drastically increases the price of the
> > battery to the consumer.
> >
> I have never heard of anyone carrying a spare battery for their phone  
> ever. If there are such people they are so few that catering to their  
> needs would be ridiculous for any sensible manufacturer.


People carry spare batteries for electrical equipment, including 
mobiles, all the time. I keep a spare, charged mobile battery in my 

> >
> > It's precisely the same thing as Music DRM - it's assumed the
> > customer cannot make choices about what he wants,
> >
> DRM isn't about choice.

And neither is the iPhone.

Dawn Falcon


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