On 16 Oct 2007 at 21:46, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 16 Oct 2007, at 21:25, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > On 16 Oct 2007 at 21:09, William T Goodall wrote:
> >
> >> On 16 Oct 2007, at 20:43, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Most mobile phone companies take the battery back now, and indeed
> >>> give you a steep discount on a new one if you hand them the old one
> >>>
> >>
> >> Cite.
> >>
> >
> > Quite apart from reading your carrier's returns policy (assuming you
> > don't have the non-returnable battery in the iPhone of course...),
> I have a pay as you go O2 and there is nothing on their site about  
> giving me a discount on batteries that I can see. If it is there it  
> is so well hidden that it might as well not be there as far as my  
> decision making goes. And they appear to want to take my whole phone  
> for recycling.

WEEE. They have to take it back. And if you're on a PAYG not a 
contract phone, they can't exactly offer you a contract discount can 

> > there are dedicated services like http://www.fonebak.com/
> They take whole phones, not batteries, and there's nothing at all on  
> that site about discounts or refunds.

"Accessories". For most phones, that's what the battery is.

> > People carry spare batteries for electrical equipment, including
> > mobiles, all the time. I keep a spare, charged mobile battery in my
> > backpack.
> That makes you the first person I've ever heard of in my life who  
> claims to do that. I did grant there were a few of you.

If you have an emergency situation and spent six hours on the phone 
while heading somewhere, you realise the ~ 4 1/2 hour talktime isn't 
really enough.

> >>
> >> DRM isn't about choice.
> >
> > And neither is the iPhone.
> It's the best choice :-)

For so badly overpriced it's funny, no-tactile feedback, no-deacent 
speed internet access trash, yes. I spent about £4 a month on my 
average phone bill (two emegencies lead to £30+ yes, but that's in 
some years) and have a relatively old phone.

I want a phone to talk on, where I can dial on the buss (with one 
hand, since the other one's holding on). The iPhone can't even 
deacently handle that, since it doesn't have tactile buttons.

Then of course, I'm not buying into the RIAA-MPAA-Apple Axis of DRM 

Dawn Falcon


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