On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 16 Oct 2007, at 21:25, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>> On 16 Oct 2007 at 21:09, William T Goodall wrote:
>>> On 16 Oct 2007, at 20:43, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>>>> Most mobile phone companies take the battery back now, and indeed
>>>> give you a steep discount on a new one if you hand them the old one
>>> Cite.
>> Quite apart from reading your carrier's returns policy (assuming you
>> don't have the non-returnable battery in the iPhone of course...),
> I have a pay as you go O2 and there is nothing on their site about
> giving me a discount on batteries that I can see. If it is there it
> is so well hidden that it might as well not be there as far as my
> decision making goes. And they appear to want to take my whole phone
> for recycling.
>> there are dedicated services like http://www.fonebak.com/
> They take whole phones, not batteries, and there's nothing at all on
> that site about discounts or refunds.
>>>> Having an internal
>>>> battery glued in means you can't carry a spare (making it unsuitable
>>>> for still further usage), and drastically increases the price of the
>>>> battery to the consumer.
>>> I have never heard of anyone carrying a spare battery for their phone
>>> ever. If there are such people they are so few that catering to their
>>> needs would be ridiculous for any sensible manufacturer.
>> ...?
>> People carry spare batteries for electrical equipment, including
>> mobiles, all the time. I keep a spare, charged mobile battery in my
>> backpack.
> That makes you the first person I've ever heard of in my life who
> claims to do that. I did grant there were a few of you.

My previous phone had batteries for which a desktop charger was available. 
I kept one charged as a spare and never ran into the 
phone-totally-out-of-juice problem (except for once or twice when I forgot 
to take the charged spare with me).  My current phone does not have this 
option, because the manufacturer thinks it's a weird thing to want, and it 
annoys the crap out of me.  I'm almost tempted to see if I can get a 
second phone that takes the same kind of battery just to use as a charger. 
(There may be some available for as little as $40 at my favorite grocery 
store; it's my favorite grocery store because if I really wanted to, I 
could buy a limited selection of power tools there at midnight, and the 
ownership isn't out to screw everyone else as badly as Wal-Mart seems to 



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