On Sep 7, 2009, at 11:40 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

If you really believe that a lawfully elected democratic government making a decision about how to spend tax revenue is an infringement on your freedom, then you are a lunatic fringe nut case and not worthy of serious attention. I should have figured that out a while ago.

Actually, we each make a personal decision when we vote, so in that John W has a point. I fear he just does not believe that a majority vote that forms a government and then empowers that government to take action on its behalf gives it any legitimate claim to the fruits of his labor. From my reading of this long and exhaustive thread it seems to me that JW wishs to have the right to make every decision for himself about everything. Such a view is great for a frontier where there is no need to organize a society that does not exist. I suspect that even in nature such freedom does not exist, alpha males and matriarchies exist to provide societal guidance, etc.

Given human nature as I have experienced it, John, I do not see how a civilized society could exist following a total voluntary ethic. My hope for you, JW, is that someone quickly finds the source of unlimited free power and safe extra terrestrial habitats are available for you to go somewhere where you are free to practice total freedom of choice. I choose not to live in such a society. I choose to live in the United States of America and abide by its laws created by elected officials at all levels and accept the consequences if I choose to break one from time to time.



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