Your comment on not having much evidence to evaluate the reliability of my predictions is correct, to the best of my knowledge. Which is the most unlikely beginning condition, that we get serious or that we can decide what to do?

When you suggested that your preference is for "a government sized more like US around WW1 or earlier", were you referring to the number of personnel or the amount of dollars spent? But perhaps the more pertinent question is where do you think such a government could be established? If I am correct in assuming that this group was initially created to discuss the science fiction of Dr. Brin then I suppose you could be thinking of creating some alternate universe or time line where returning to past conditions could be stipulated.

"John Williams" responded in less than 60 minutes to the previous post, used an excellent vocabulary to polarize and did not respond to the suggestion in the subject that perhaps he was hallucinating. Are we dealing with a computer program here? Or just someone who has been programmed?

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:31 PM, John Williams wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Chris Frandsen<> wrote:

No way will that happen unless there is an
international disaster and major die-off of the human species.

I don't have much evidence to evaluate the reliability of your
predictions, but what evidence I have seen makes me doubt their

 Now when we decide to get serious
about dealing with global climate change government spending will balloon
even more, so prepare yourself.

Another highly dubious prediction. But if taken literally, perhaps it
saves itself by having the highly unlikely beginning condition, so
that the ending need not be wrong if the beginning condition is not



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