On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Chris Frandsen<lear...@mac.com> wrote:

> Given human nature as I have experienced it, John, I do not see how a
> civilized society could exist following a total voluntary ethic.

It is interesting how some people claim my posts are repetitive, while
other people seem to miss what that I have written before.

No, I do not propose that the US should abolish all taxes, and I have
written that here before.

I wonder if you are aware that US government is now much bigger and
spends much more than it has for the majority of America's 233 years?
I would like to see a government sized more like US around WW1 or

I also wonder why you are so interested in commenting on your
imagination of what I think about government, rather than discussing
health care, in particular, the subject of this thread, DeLong's
health care article. Not that I mind you talking about what you
imagine my thoughts are about any subject, but you might want to start
a new thread for that: "What does John think about __________?"


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