We started with a plea for civility and niceness. Because it invoked religion 
and the name of Jesus, the thread was promptly taken over by those who felt it 
their bounden duty to object to the Christian content - not on the grunds that 
they were not Christian, but because they consider it their bounden duty to 
attack Christianity whenever and wherever they see it, apparently, as evil, 
superstitious, and whatever else they object to.

This is not civil - it is clean contrary to what was wanted - and in the name 
of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, must a polite request that people be polite 
be taken over by the rabid culture warriors? Gaah. 


Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:46:21 -0700
Subject: Re: Wife's suggestion!
From: nick.arn...@gmail.com
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Charlie Bell <char...@culturelist.org> wrote:

That's the widely perceived view of them, yes. Doesn't totally hold water if 
you actually read the New Testament, but yes - if people tried to act a bit 
nicer to each other we'd be better off.

I know what you mean, I think, but I've stopped using the word "nice" to 
describe it.  I know churches that are perfectly "nice" to gays, for example, 
but in doing so pretty much fail to accept them.  Sort of a "welcome to our 
church, we're glad to have you here and we're certain that you're going to 
hell."  Except that the last sentence is implied, not spoken aloud.

I guess another way to say what I'm saying is that hypocrisy and 
self-righteousness can be extremely nice, and I find the combination to be not 
only irritating, but destructive to community.  There's a 
passive-aggressiveness present.

I'd rather call on people to be "real," rather than "nice," I suppose.


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