My experience is not with the software, but with the warm-ware -- the people. Years ago Bricogne and others no longer with the company visited one of our beamlines to measure data with a complicated geometry. I found them patient and knowledgeable -- very pleasant to work with on a difficult problem. For the last several years Clemens Vonrhein and/or Claus Flensburg have visited Brookhaven to help teach RapiData. Both are excellent teachers, patient and organized in what they have to say, generous with their time with the students.

Bob Sweet

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008, Artem Evdokimov wrote:

Speaking from experience, I find the software in question to be well worth
the (minimum) effort necessary to install it.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] buster-tnt on OSX ?

The info at

will give you some hints about whether it will be successful on OS X.
As per the Global Phasing modus operandi, any instruction involving
installation of their software is muddled in riddle and ambiguity.
They have made an art of making their software difficult to install. I
guess the philosophy is that if you can somehow get their software
installed, then you have earned your phase information. Personally,
I'd rather solve my structure with using chisanbop and a pencil than
attempt to install Global Phasing software.

Speaking from experience, this is my 2c. Apologies if I hurt anyone's
feelings who are "just trying to make a buck".


On Oct 24, 2008, at 9:39 AM, jacques-philippe colletier wrote:

Hi everydoby,
I`d like to know if there is a version of BUSTER-TNT available on
MacOSX ?
Anyone knows ?

Dr. Jacques-Philippe Colletier
UCLA / DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
90095 Los Angeles, CA, USA

James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA  90095

        Robert M. Sweet                 E-Dress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular               ^ (that's L
          Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS            not 1)

        Biology Dept
        Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.           Phones:
        Upton, NY  11973                631 344 3401  (Office)
        U.S.A.                          631 344 2741  (Facsimile)

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