> Actually I disagree with you on the insurance and the gas tax.
> So should we impose a gas tax on Vans? Motor homes? Dual-tank
> pickup trucks? 18-wheelers?? Dump Trucks? or hell even moving trucks?
> All the way down to the U-Hal trucks.

You impose a tax on any vehicle that is being used for a purpose that does
not correlate to the size of the vehicle! If lots of people drove dump
trucks to work, the roads would get beat up faster, pollution would
increase, accidents would increase...... And for all that THEY SHOULD have
to pay higher insurance rates, and higher gas taxes to help cover the cost
of pollution control, road work, etc.... Why should I have to pay just as
much when the damage my car puts out is way less than that of a big
oversized, impractical SUV/TRUCK.

> Insurance premiums should be based on the accidents, thefts,
> color, and especially the driving record for the driver(s) on
> the policy.

AND ON THE SIZE OF THE VEHICLE which would directly relate to the amount of
death and damage that could be caused. Face it, in a bigger vehicle you are
a bigger risk for insurance companies because the potential is there for you
to do a great deal of damage!
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