At 10:13 6/10/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Actually I disagree with you on the insurance and the gas tax.
>So should we impose a gas tax on Vans? Motor homes? Dual-tank
>pickup trucks? 18-wheelers?? Dump Trucks? or hell even moving trucks?
>All the way down to the U-Hal trucks.
>Where is the logic behind that? Again that would be basically trying
>to strong arm someone in buying a car and as was mentioned before forcing
>a person to make more trips than needed. Thus spending more $$ to purchase
>gas for the small cars. Then again, screwing up the environment even more.
>Insurance premiums should be based on the accidents, thefts,
>color, and especially the driving record for the driver(s) on
>the policy.
>Not the type of vehicle. Too many variables play apart in insurance
>rates today as it is.

I'm not saying it would be a logical move.
I just think it would be a more effective way to ban SUVs then out right
banning them.
I don't specifically want a ban on SUVs.  Just pointing out it a semi-ban
could be affected via a gas tax and insurance hikes.

As far as I know insurance companies do charge a higher premium for certain
types of vehicles.
There is nothing unfair or un-American about it.  You can choose to buy and
use anything legal, you just have to be held responsible for all costs
associated with it.
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