Please visit  You are just repeating incorrect Kerry statements.
Shineski announced his retirement long before the war:

Kerry claimed, as he had in the first debate, that the Army's Chief of Staff,
Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, was forced to retire for saying before the invasion of
Iraq that many more troops were needed than the administration was planning to

It is true that Shinseki told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb. 25,
2003 that "something on the order of several hundred thousand soldiers" would
be required for an occupation of Iraq. It is also true that Deputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz called that estimate "wildly off the mark" in
testimony to the House Budget Committee on Feb. 27, 2003. And it is true that
the general retired several months later on June 11, 2003.

But the administration didn't force General Shinseki to retire. In fact, The
Washington Times reported Shinseki's plans to retire nearly a year before his
Feb. 25, 2003 testimony. The Times article was published April 19, 2002:

  Washington Times: He (Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld) and Army
Secretary Thomas White have settled on Gen. John M. Keane, Army deputy chief
of staff, to succeed the current chief, Gen. Eric Shinseki. Gen. Shinseki does
not retire for more than a year. Sources offer differing reasons for the early

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Gruss Gott

  The funny thing here is that when Lawrence Lindsey said that the war
  in Iraq would cost $2 billion he was fired.  When Gen. Shinseki said
  we needed more troops he was fired.
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