
It seems like his handlers told him "if this question comes up, side step it, redirect it, don't apologize for anything". It's a mistake in my opinion.

He had to know that question was coming...i mean, we lowly developers prepare for that question when we're getting ready for a job interview!!!

(My favorite answer to the "one weakness question" by the way is: I sometimes have a problem being on time for work.....*pause*.....i'm usually early)
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Deanna Schneider
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:44 AM
  Subject: Re: Bush's telling Non Answer.

  Leaving aside the generals issue,  I agree with the sentiment of the
  article, in that Bush's inability to answer that question reflected
  pretty poorly on him, and his handlers. I mean, he had to know that
  that question would come up. Hell, it comes up in darn near every
  interview. It's essentially "tell us about a time a project failed" or
  "what are your weaknesses." It was a political mis-step to not have
  been prepared with at least one instance in which he made a trivial
  error, which he could explain and even maybe laugh about.

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