As a 20-something programmer in the United States, who's success at my job
is dictated by my performance, something I have complete control
over.....i'd have a hard time arguing that I have it rough compared to
anyone else.

Here's a question: What if that French company requires the service of 5
full time janitors....yet currently employs 10 "unmotivated" programmers?
What do you do with the other 5?

I just don't think the scenario you describe here is quite the paradise it
seems on the surface. I do my job, I expect other people at my company to do
theirs. If they can't, or don't, or won't, I expect them to be replaced with
someone who will.

> As one example: I know a 20-something Frenchman who works for a major
> French company as programmer and makes a modest salary.  Yet he's able
> to take 2+ months of vacation per year, his job is literally
> guaranteed, his pay increases by 30% if he finishes his Masters which
> the gov't is paying for and his company gives him paid leave to
> pursue.  In the summer he takes a month's vacation and goes skiing in
> the Alps or rents a house in Spain.  He lives in a modest apartment
> and drives a small car, but otherwise he doesn't have much to worry
> about  since he can't be fired.
> Everyone always asks him how the company motivates him if he can't
> really be fired.  His response is that while the company must employ
> him, it doesn't guarantee pay or position; that is, they could have
> him cleaning bathrooms.
> I have a hard time arguing that he's got it rough compared to American
> 20-something programmers.

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