> go along. We, as a species, have often taken that route. The 
> flock metaphor
> is more than apt. Using the excuse of "other icky hard to 
> define things" is

How is it a cop out? I didn't say we _shouldn't_ examine things, but at
the same time, we have to accept that some things cannot be measured.
Certainly it's a cop out if you feel that way about everything, but, at
the same token, it's a cop out to have no faith in anything you can't
directly prove.

> Organized religion has been used over and over to inflict 
> horrendous pain on
> the world. How many suffered in the Inquisition? Under 
> repressive Islamic
> extremist regimes? Many of these use religion to lend 
> authority and validity
> to what they do.

And how many suffered for whatever other reasons? Man will always find a
reason to screw with others. Shoot, there have been wars for economic
reasons. By that token, capitalism would be evil (although I know some
people here would agree with that ;). 

> You are right in a sense, it is the interpretation of the 
> religion. So,
> would it be better to not have any, so no interpretation 
> needed? Would we
> all just be nice to each other? Would that work?

Let me reverse the question - do you think it's possible to create a
society ruled primarily by science? And would that be better? I don't
know if I would want to live in a society where the only important thing
was science. For example, science would say (could say) that the way to
handle overpopulation would be to simply kill enough of the species to
control the population. By that reasoning, we should nuke China and
India to 'help' them control overpopulation. Maybe nuke is too strong a
word - but, you get the idea. Purely scientific reasoning does not leave
any space for human feelings. Such a society could be as twisted, if not
worse, than the one Hitler created.

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