> Dana wrote:
> I'll agree with everything you say except granny dying in the street.

Here's my problem with that: granny used to be 20 and clearly made
some bad decisions to get to the point you're talking about.  You have
to take a step back and ask, "Is it government's role to subsidize
people's mistakes?"

So, for example, should the guy who lost all of his retirement because
he put it  all into ENRON get a "do over" on the tax payer coin?  I
say no.

I'd much rather see the majority of that money put into empowerment
programs like education than I would want to see it subsidizing
people's mistakes.  (yes, yes, the education system is broken.  So we
fix it via privatization :)

In reality, however, no matter how good your empowerment programs are
you're always going to have a few problems:

1.) People that can't compete due to birth (special needs).
2.) People that can't compete due to consequences (drug addicts, alcoholics)
3.) People that, no matter how much you empower them, will still fail.

So you need to shore up those holes.  But not before you empower
people by telling them they're on their own.

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