*delurks for a moment*

As the resident gay person on this list, I figured I should say *something*

Reading this thread, I see a lot of different perspectives on this issue,
and I think it's an amazing thing that society's reached the point where we
can even have this discussion.

I know that everyone's essentially looking for an answer to the nature vs.
nurture question, but I think that belies a deeper question that society
continually drills into us: "How can homosexuality be cured?"  How can we
get rid of this undesirable element so that everyone can be happy and
normal?  This question is pointless; the question should be instead: "why is
it that my relationship is not protected in the same way as others?"  I'm
not so naive as to think that there are no more second-class citizens in our
society, but why is it that my relationship -- with the man who I love and
who completes me emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and in every
other possible way -- is not afforded the same protections as the
relationship between two people who get a shotgun wedding in Vegas as a
joke?  In my opinion, marriage in this country is more harmed by an
increasingly lax attitude towards the importance of marriage, rather than by
two men declaring their undying love for one another.

The bottom line is that for whatever reason, I am incapable of forming the
same kind of emotional and physical attachment with a woman that I can with
a man, and I don't think I should be looked down on for that.  The whole
nature vs. nurture debate is interesting as a curiosity, but I don't think
it's relevant on the whole to society.  I personally feel that it's a
mixture of both.

Just my $0.02 :)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gruss Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <cf-community@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:54 PM
Subject: Being Gay: Nature or Nurture?

> The science is showing that it's nature.  Specifically hormones that a
> fetus is exposed to, but it looks to be very complicated.  Anyway,
> super interesting to me and more evidence on how banning Gay marriage
> is wholly immoral.
> The Science Of Sexual Orientation
> 60 Minutes
> March 12, 2006
> Twins, Jared (left) and Adam are nine years old. Their mother says she
> began to notice a difference in Adam when he was only 18 months old.
> Adam's behavior is an example of childhood gender nonconformity, say
> scientists. Research shows that most children with extreme tendencies
> toward gender nonconformity grow up to be gay. (CBS)
> (CBS) There are few issues as hotly contested - and as poorly
> understood - as the question of what makes a person gay or straight.
> It's not only a political, social, and religious question but also a
> scientific question, one that might someday have an actual, provable
> answer.
> The handful of scientists who work in this under-funded and
> politically charged field will tell you: That answer is a long way
> off. But as Lesley Stahl reports, their efforts are already yielding
> tantalizing clues. One focus of their research is twins.
> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/03/09/60minutes/main1385230.shtml

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