> Sam wrote:
> Since it's a gamble that would make it fiscally liberal.

I guess I don't really care what the label is, just that the problem
goes away.  The incentives for personal responsibility in this case
have failed.

Dana won't be surprised to learn that my motivation to fix the problem
is purely selfish - I'm sick of paying for something that has untried
solutions.  If we had experimented with everything and found it to
fail, then I'd agree with gMoney.  Maybe that's a vote for RoMunn's
suggestion of moving this to the States.

>From my point of view I have tax dollars that are deducted from my
check for drugs.  If I can get rid of that deduction, or decrease it,
by paying people  to use then so be it.  It's just a needless cost to
me anyway.

I just want my money back.

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