You know, I disagree with the mammogram decision, but the people who made
it are not a death panel. This was a recommendation for best practices by a
professional group, not a ruling on an individual patient, first of all.
Second, a lot of the art of medicine comes in deciding who needs what, and
that IS a call someone has to make. Unless you think we all should always
get all available testing, no matter how risky or unpleasant or expensive.
For example, they just determined that the head-to-toe CAT scans some people
have been getting may have increased their risk for cancer. Needlessly. By
quite a bit. And I am here to tell you that a CAT scan isn't especially

So yah. Disagreeing with the cost-benefit analysis doesn't make this the
first death panel decision.

> I said a panel, death panel if we want to stay on thread, has
> determined that the number of women that will die due to lack of early
> detection is justifiable collateral damage in the name of not
> stressing out the masses with these expensive tests.

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