On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:39 AM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  You know, I disagree with the mammogram decision, but the people who made
> it are not a death panel. This was a recommendation for best practices by a
> professional group, not a ruling on an individual patient, first of all.

I guess if you take Palin literally you could say lied because these
people aren't evaluating people one on one. They just tried to kill
off a slice of the population at once.

> Second, a lot of the art of medicine comes in deciding who needs what, and
> that IS a call someone has to make. Unless you think we all should always
> get all available testing, no matter how risky or unpleasant or expensive.

Where did that come from? We do know women get breast cancer before 40
so why tell them not to test even with a history and not to self exam.
As Mo has stated the insurance industry that's paying for it are
pushing it more now.

> For example, they just determined that the head-to-toe CAT scans some people
> have been getting may have increased their risk for cancer. Needlessly. By
> quite a bit. And I am here to tell you that a CAT scan isn't especially
> fun.

Are you predicting mammograms will cause cancer? Or, should we just
stop all screening test because one day they might be determined to
cause more harm than good?

> So yah. Disagreeing with the cost-benefit analysis doesn't make this the
> first death panel decision.

Cost-benefit analysis, so who's life is worth saving

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