"Both. One does not choose between the two nubile women when you can
realistically have both. Mostly you have to worry about that sneaky
Professor. He may have to be bumped off."

We differ there.  It would have to be Mary Ann.  I am into substance over
appearance.  Though yours wasn't a bad choice.

"that references Buchanan in his piece. The study that he links to (
http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9072.html ) is not one that I've read. "

Ooh.  I just skimmed it the first time.  I don't really like World Nut
Daily.  They pursue things on that site that just aren't worth the time, one
being the birth certificate issue.

"When affirmative action was started, there was not much of a black middle
class to speak of. That is significantly better now, but poverty is still a
much more pervasive problem in minority communities than caucasian

On affirmative action, I'll agree that it was needed at one point in
history.  It is no longer needed.  I'd say the same about Unions.

It is great to see a Black middle class growing and finally getting a
foothold on the American Dream.  As a side, the fastest growing segment of
the GOP is the Black population.  There are more Black GOP candidates for
office this year than there have been since reconstruction.

"I still maintain that there is more going on than simple economics, there
is a pervasive class issue that renders it less likely for a poor member of
a minority to overcome poverty than a poor caucasian to overcome poverty"

I understand why people say class is the issue.  Alas, class is too broad of
a category to be effectively used to distribute help and predict poverty.

"I do believe, however, that things are moving more toward poverty being
less predicated on race than other factors. That is a good thing. "

We can agree here.

"On the other hand, the inequality between the rich and the poor has been
growing for the last couple decades so there are further fundamental
inequalities that need to be dealt with."

As much as I'd like to argue this, I can't.  I believe the complete blurring
of lines between big government and big business are leading to this.



At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of
religion, there must be for our race economic independence. - Booker T.

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