I do think that Nintendo, at the very least, tends to generalize.  They love
to say "players this" and "gamers that" while completely ignoring the wider
marker.  Yes, many players want simpler, shorted games.  But many (I think
more) want more depth and longer gameplay - there's a reason that GTA and
Final Fantasy sell so damn well.

Personally I applaud FF:Crystal Chronicle.  Never played it myself, but from
everything I've heard when you do get those four friends together the
experience is transcendent.  Yes it's heavy and needy but (from what I've
heard) well worth it.

Still I think its huge mistake for Nintendo to release another console.  The
simple fact is that companies are, definitely, producing faster, more
feature rich hardware.  Hardware capable of doing anything Nintendo wants in

I think that Nintendo should focus completely on the user interface and
games.  OKay - the PS3 or XBox 2 hits the shelves. They're lunch meat in a
can and everybody buys them up.

Now Nintendo comes along and releases, for say $80 US, a gamecube-style
controller (preferably wireless) and the next "Mario" game packaged together
for those systems.  I would also include a "sticker pack" - soft gels that
could be stuck on your PS3 or XBox 2 that give the machine a more "Nintendo"
feel to it.  Future Nintendo games would require that controller and,
perhaps, come with new gels for your rebranding amusement.

In other words Nintendo wouldn't take the time and effort (and fiscal
gamble) of producing a game machine - they've stated outright that the
hardware has passed the point of making the game better.  They would,
instead, re-brand competitors machines franchise: focusing only on the
interface (the controller and display).  Yes you're sitting in front of a
PS3, but you're using a Nintendo game pad and playing Nintendo games and (if
you're the sort the play with stickers) your machine even looks like a
Nintendo console.

If executed correctly (in other words "better than Sega") I think this could
pay off big.  Controller and game kits could be made for either machine
(perhaps even using all that extra, unneeded hardware to fully emulate a
Nintendo processor design) or any machine on the horizon.

This follows Nintendo's public philosophy: the key is what you feel and see,
not what box you put your disc into.

Jim Davis


From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 7:55 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Nintendo Interview. Are they out of touch?

Is it just me, or are they the ones out of touch if they think that
higher production values and advances in graphics and processor power
won't translate to more interesting gameplay?



"Yamauchi explained that the games business has matured in ways he
hadn't expected, and that it's reached a critical point. Users aren't
interested in "heavy, thick, long, big" games, burdened with flashy
graphics, heavily-orchestrated sound, and complex stories. Hardware
manufacturers building the latest chip technology to power those kinds
of titles don't understand games, he said, and neither do their
developers, even if they do have the money to keep producing them.
Simply creating more advanced technlogy and adding more features to
hardware doesn't translate to fun games, Yamauchi said. Nintendo's next
console, which the company aims to debut at E3 in 2005, is focused on
new kinds of gameplay, which the DS will prefigure."

Have to wait and see this 'revolutionary' gameplay. If they think that
Crystal Chronicles was revolutionary because it required 600US worth of
hardware to be enjoyed by 4 people, they got another think coming ;-)


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