On 6/26/07, Claude Schneegans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>This is quite amusing because what you describe is EXACTLY what the
> CFEclipse scribble pad is.
> Then why would I need CF Eclipse if it does exactly what I've been doing
> with CF Studio for years?
> This is exactly my point.

I give up, Claude. You keep doing it your way. Keep "testing" by loading the
site in your browser and saying "it works". Don't worry about integration
with Subversion or ANT or unit testing or any of that other stuff. And
surely you'll never want editors for Flex or JavaScript or XML in addition
to CFML. CF Studio forever!!!

OK, now that we've dealt with Claude, anyone who cares at all about any of
the above (and if you care at all about best practices or future skill sets,
you should) is urged to give CFEclipse a try.



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