Yes..that is what I am saying, to a lesser degree.

Are you denying that the GUI of an application contributes to its ease of
use and its functionality?

Take Windows for example..if you were to make all the windows triangular,
all the buttons hexagonal and arranged in a semi circle along the left side
of the screen..hell it might fit the design of your PC Case yes..
but wouldn't a lot of functionality and ease of use be lost??

A message board is designed to meet specific user requirements with respect
to its graphical user interface.

My question therefore is a valid one, how much customisation beside colors
and images would you really need to do to a message board to make it 'fit'
with a site?

Could you show me a site with a message board that 'fits' it?


-----Original Message-----
From: zac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I'm not sure that purpose of your comments? Obviously the ability to make a
site have a consistent look and feel is important. Why that concern
necessitates your comment about destroying functionality is puzzling.

Are you implying that you can't redesign the fusetalk  GUI without rendering
it inoperable?

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